Рейтинги с 23.03.2018 по 29.03.2018 Adult Swim Dragon Ball Super - 22:30 - 1.018.000 (+30.000) [суб.] Dragon Ball Z Kai Final - 23:00 - 838.000 (+12.000) [суб.] Black Clover - 23:30 - 632.000...
Рейтинги с 23.03.2018 по 29.03.2018
Adult Swim
Dragon Ball Super - 22:30 - 1.018.000 (+30.000) [суб.]
Dragon Ball Z Kai Final - 23:00 - 838.000 (+12.000) [суб.]
Black Clover - 23:30 - 632.000 (-11.000) [суб.]
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stardust Crusaders - 00:00 - 516.000 (-33.000) [суб.]
Mobile Suit Gundam: I.B.O. - 00:30 - 465.000 (-9.000) [суб.]
Mike Tyson Mysteries - 23:30 - 1.060.000 (-63.000) [вс.]
Mr. Pickles - 00:00+00:15 - 751.500 (-59.000) [вс.]
Supermansion - 1:00 - 581.000 (-86.000) [вс.]
Disney Channel
Puppy Dog Pals - 10:55 - 839.000 (+201.500) [пят.]
Mickey and the Roadster Racers - 9:35 - 848.000 (-174.000) [пят.]
Star Wars: Forces of Destiny - 21:50 - 1.249.000 (+499.000) [вс.]
Mission Force One - 13:00 - 487.000 (+19.000) [пн.]
Pokemon: S20 Sun & Moon - 9:00 - 221.500 (-46.500)
Star vs. the Forces of Evil - 11:00 - 233.000 (-62.000) [суб.]
Guardians of the Galaxy - 8:00 - 228.000 (+65.000) [вс.]
Cartoon Network
Apple & Onion - 18:00 - 788.000 (+21.000) [пят.]
Ben 10 - 18:00 - 725.000 (-51.000) [пн.]
Sunny Day - 12:00 - 711.000 (-14.000) [пят.]
Shimmer and Shine - 12:30 - 627.000 (-261.000) [пят.]
Blaze and the Monster Machines - 12:00 - 927.000 (+44.000) [пн.]
Rusty Rivets - 12:30 - 1.009.000 (+154.000) [вт.]
Top Wing - 12:00 - 742.000 (-138.500) [ср.]
Thomas and Friends - 12:00 - 826.000 (-43.000) [чт.]
TBS Network
Final Space - 22:30 - 535.000 (+95.000) [пн.]
American Dad - 22:00 - 974.000 (+41.000) [пн.]
Bob's Burgers - 19:30 - 1.740.000 (+20.000) [вс.]
The Simpsons - 20:00 - 2.150.000 (+50.000) [вс.]
Family Guy - 21:00 - 1.910.000 (-130.000) [вс.]