Рейтинги с 16.03.2018 по 22.03.2018 Adult Swim Dragon Ball Super - 22:30 - 988.000 (-38.000) [суб.] Dragon Ball Z Kai Final - 23:00 - 826.000 (-76.000) [суб.] Black Clover - 23:30 - 643.000 (...
Рейтинги с 16.03.2018 по 22.03.2018
Adult Swim
Dragon Ball Super - 22:30 - 988.000 (-38.000) [суб.]
Dragon Ball Z Kai Final - 23:00 - 826.000 (-76.000) [суб.]
Black Clover - 23:30 - 643.000 (-65.000) [суб.]
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stardust Crusaders - 00:00 - 549.000 (-122.000) [суб.]
Mobile Suit Gundam: I.B.O. - 00:30 - 474.000 (-121.000) [суб.]
Mike Tyson Mysteries - 23:30 - 1.123.000 (-81.000) [вс.]
Mr. Pickles - 00:00+00:15 - 810.500 (-12.000) [вс.]
Supermansion - 1:00 - 667.000 (+75.000) [вс.]
Disney Channel
Puppy Dog Pals - 10:30 - 637.500 (-75.500)
Vampirina - 11:00 - 785.000 (+56.000) [пят.]
Mission Force One - 9:30 - 468.000 (-79.000) [пн.]
Star vs. the Forces of Evil - 11:00 - 295.000 (-66.000) [суб.]
Guardians of the Galaxy - 8:00+8:30 - 163.000 (-142.000) [вс.]
Cartoon Network
Apple & Onion - 19:00 - 767.000 (+34.000) [пят.]
Adventure Time - 19:00+19:30 - 531.500 (-228.500) [вс.]
Ben 10 - 18:00 - 776.000 (+57.000) [пн.]
O.K. K.O. Let's be Heroes! - 18:30 - 664.000 (-9.000) [пн.]
The Loud House - 18:00 - 1.483.000 (+99.000) [пят.]
Spongebob - 18:30 - 1.352.000 (+51.000) [пят.]
Thomas and Friends - 12:00 - 869.000 (+27.500)
Alvinnn!!! And the Chipmunks - 19:00 - 1.145.000 (+93.000) [пят.]
TBS Network
Final Space - 22:30 - 440.000 (+11.000) [пн.]
American Dad - 22:00 - 933.000 (+129.000) [пн.]
Bob's Burgers - 19:30 - 1.720.000 [вс.]
The Simpsons - 20:00 - 2.100.000 [вс.]
Family Guy - 21:00 - 2.240.000 [вс.]