Рейтинги с 02.03.2018 по 08.03.2018 Adult Swim Dragon Ball Super - 22:30 - 1.155.000 (+116.000) [суб.] Dragon Ball Z Kai Final - 23:00 - 1.030.000 (+103.000) [суб.] Black Clover - 23:30 - 708...
Рейтинги с 02.03.2018 по 08.03.2018
Adult Swim
Dragon Ball Super - 22:30 - 1.155.000 (+116.000) [суб.]
Dragon Ball Z Kai Final - 23:00 - 1.030.000 (+103.000) [суб.]
Black Clover - 23:30 - 708.000 (-22.000) [суб.]
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stardust Crusaders - 00:00 - 596.000 (-22.000) [суб.]
Mobile Suit Gundam: I.B.O. - 00:30 - 558.000 (+33.000) [суб.]
Mike Tyson Mysteries - 23:30 - 988.000 (-262.000) [вс.]
Mr. Pickles - 00:00+00:15 - 654.000 (+5.000) [вс.]
Supermansion - 1:00 - 442.000 (-39.000) [вс.]
Disney Channel
Sofia the First - 11:30 - 510.000 (-126.000) [пят.]
Doc McStuffins - 12:00 - 510.000 (-114.000) [пят.]
Mission Force One - 9:30 - 506.000 (+117.000) [пн.]
Star vs. the Forces of Evil - 11:00 - 184.000 (-116.000) [суб.]
Marvel's Avengers Assemble - 8:00+8:30 - 258.500 (-53.750) [вс.]
Star Wars Rebels - 21:00+21:30 - 489.500 (+225.500) [пн.]
Cartoon Network
The Amazing World of Gumball - 18:00 - 1.003.000 (+134.000) [пят.]
Unikitty - 18:30 - 917.000 (+210.000) [пят.]
Apple & Onion - 19:10+19:30 - 844.000 (+133.000) [пят.]
Ben 10 - 18:00 - 652.000 (-163.000) [пн.]
O.K. K.O. Let's be Heroes! - 18:30 - 605.000 (-148.000) [пн.]
Paw Patrol - 12:00 - 1.228.500 (+105.500)
Shimmer and Shine - 12:30 - 888.000 (+78.500) [вт.]
TBS Network
Final Space - 22:30 - 576.000 (+93.000) [пн.]
American Dad - 22:00 - 987.000 (+260.000) [пн.]